Learn how to conquer on-road time with a secret weapon-“AUDIOBOOKS“

We process information through three primary channels:
- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinesthetic (touch)
Most individuals tend to excel in one of these channels when absorbing information. For many, visual learning is their strong suit.
However, some, like myself, thrive in the auditory domain.
In my case, I’m an excellent auditory learner. I manage to complete at least 2 to 3 books per week by listening to audiobooks while driving.
However, when I’m driving with my wife, I often choose to listen to music since she finds it challenging to absorb information through auditory means.
If you find that you can absorb content effectively through listening, you likely have a strong auditory learning style.
The third channel, kinesthetic, comes into play when people engage in hands-on learning, such as writing, during their school days.
This approach combines all three sensory modes: visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. It incorporates auditory learning because we recall and repeat sentences verbally, and it involves writing as well.
That’s why I recall the advice from our teachers in school days: “While studying, take notes alongside reading, and you’ll retain more.” This approach engages all three sensory methods simultaneously.
Harnessing audiobooks can be incredibly beneficial, especially during travel, as you can make productive use of your time. To quote the motivational speaker Brian Tracy, audio programs are like a
Thank you for reading.
Pranab Hazarika