“”Time is money””
–Benjamin Franklin
“We all sorely complain of the shortness of time, and yet have much more than we know what to do with. Our lives are either spent in doing nothing at all, or in doing nothing to the purpose, or in doing nothing that we ought to do. We are always complaining that our days are few and acting as though there would be no end of them.”
————— Lucius Annaeus Seneca
What do you think; can you manage your time? How do you manage your time? You start thinking this question and one minute of your life is gone. Now again you are thinking, what! One minute gone! And your next is minute is also going to complete soon.
This is the power of time. No one has power to control this time. You can only control time if you can understand the formula of Einstein.
Here E= Energy, c=speed of light (3 x 10^8 m/s) and m=mass.
If you can travel in a speed more than the speed of light then only you can control the time and you will be ahead of time. You will be beyond time and space.
So now you can understand how hard the concept of time management.
It means no human being can manage or control time.
God is very smart. God has given everyone same twenty-four hours in a day. Same twenty-four hours for prime minister or president of a country, to all celebrities, to all billionaire and to all millionaires, for me and for you.
Then where is the difference. The difference is how we can use these twenty-four hours in daily basis.
“Jab tak jan hai, tab tak time hai” it means till the time we have life we have our time.
It was said by one of my friend to me. This sentence motivated me to postpone my important works till tomorrow.
After listening to this sentence I started postponing my life’s goals. I kept aside my to-do list and start enjoying more with social media and videos. After few days I read the book Think and grow rich-by Napoleon Hill.
I read this book often. I just pick it up and read one or two pages randomly.
That day I saw a line which gave goose bump in my body. One line that changed whole of my thinking process:
“The goal you could achieve one year ago and you are still postponing it for tomorrow to take your first step”
This sentence has blown away my mind. Then I realized that,
The biggest problem we have with respect to time is that we think we have enough time with us.
But there is GOOD NEWS for you.
You should not worry seeing all these difficult equations.
It is final that you can’t control your time. But you have control on your productivity. God has given this power to you. You can prioritize your work as per your goal.
You have 10 tasks to complete and one of them is to complete a web series on Netflix by next two days. And one task is to complete your resume to apply for your next better job. Now how can you increase your productivity by which you can take a step for your better future? Is it difficult to decide now? No right?
If you can stop watching Netflix series you can save your three to four hours easily. Three to four hours is more than enough to update your CV. This is just an example. You can prioritize your work as per your goal. So you can increase your efficiency and productivity within the same period of time which is available for everyone.
Brain is a muscle. This is your first step. Once you start compromising your unproductive time waster like social media, TV etc. gradually your brain muscle will become stronger and your will power to select the best work amongst two or three will be easy for you. You will start selecting the productive work for you from your to do list to start.
Conclusion is that you can’t manage your time, you can manage your priority and thus you can increase your productivity and efficiency.
This is the mantra of time management.
To utilize your twenty four hours passionately you should have a daily code of conduct. I read the daily statement mentioned by Robin Sharma in his book Who will cry when you die. You can also use this for your daily reminder or you can create your own
“Over the next twenty-four hours I vow to appreciate this day, as it is all I really have, and to use every minute wisely and fully. So much can be done over the next twenty-four hours to advance my life’s agenda and complete my legacy.”
“You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today”
—Abraham Lincoln
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Thank You
Pranab Hazarika