Habit creation has always been of great interest in self-improvement and personal development. How long does it take to form a new habit? The well-known motivational speaker and bestselling author Robin Sharma recently referenced a study from the University College of London. It suggests it takes 66 days of continuous effort to hardwire our brains for habit formation and liberate our willpower from specific tasks. While this research sheds light on the process, exploring the intricacies of habit creation is essential.
The Three Stages of Habit Formation:
The 66-day rule divides the habit formation journey into three distinct stages, each lasting approximately 20 days:
1. Destruction Stage (Days 1-20) – The Uphill Battle:
The initial phase, often called the “Destruction Stage,” is arguably the most challenging. During these first 20 days, you’ll face a steep uphill battle. This is when breaking away from your old routines and embracing a new habit can feel arduous. Your willpower is put to the test, and motivation can wane.
2. Confusion Stage (Days 21-40) – The Rollercoaster of Doubt:
As you progress into the second phase, the “Confusion Stage,” you may question your commitment to the habit. Doubt and uncertainty can creep in, making it tempting to give up. This is the critical point where many individuals falter. Staying on track during these days is essential.
3. Integration Stage (Days 41-66) – Automaticity and Mastery:
Once successfully navigating the first 40 days, enter the “Integration Stage.” During this phase, your actions start to become automatic. The habit is no longer a burden but a natural part of your daily routine. Your willpower is liberated from the task, and the habit becomes a part of your identity.
How I Cultivate the Habit of Reading and Writing:
I’ve been reading books unrelated to my studies since 2014. I’ve also been writing almost every day since 2017. While I don’t publish my writing often, I do it regularly, and it’s become a habit. Now, I enjoy reading and writing.
Variability in Habit Formation:
While the 66-day guideline is valuable, it’s essential to acknowledge that habit formation is not a one-size-fits-all process. The time required to establish a new habit can vary widely from person to person. It largely depends on individual intentions, interests, and the complexity of the habit itself. Some may succeed in as little as 4 days, while others might need up to 90 days or more.
The 66-day habit creation rule offers valuable insight into the journey of habit formation. It emphasizes the need for perseverance and dedication in the initial stages and the eventual reward of automaticity and mastery. However, it’s essential to understand that the path to forming new habits is not uniform, and individual differences play a significant role. Regardless of the duration, the key lies in consistency and an unwavering commitment to positive change.
In your pursuit of creating new habits, remember that the process is a personal journey. The 66-day benchmark provides a helpful guideline, but the accurate measure of success is the habit’s positive impact on your life.
So, whether it takes 20 days, 66 days, or even longer, stay committed to your habit-building journey, for it is a path toward self-improvement, growth, and lasting change.