But What Do We Think All Day Long…
Research reveals that our brains process a staggering 70,000 thoughts each day.
Surprisingly, approximately 95% of these thoughts are the same repetitive.
It may feel like we engage in deep thinking, but the issue lies in repeating our thoughts.
This might leave us with the question – If we mostly replay a few recurring thoughts, are we truly engaging in profound thinking? The answer is to interrupt these repetitive patterns and diversify our thought process. This article will explore ways to break free from this echo chamber and zoom out our thought processes.
Shattering the Echo Chamber
Contrary to popular belief, breaking out of our thought cycles is not as complex as it may seem. Here are some techniques that can help to ZOOM OUT our thinking:
1. Engage with Diverse Individuals
The scope of our conversations often limits our perception. Associating exclusively with people from our interests and fields can restrict our worldview. One of the most impactful ways to expand our thought process is by engaging with individuals outside our usual circles.
Strike up conversations with individuals from different professions.
Go beyond your comfort zone and communicate with people who hold different opinions.
Exchanging ideas with a varied audience can significantly boost the diversity of our thoughts.
2. Allocate Weekly Time for Learning
Another strategy to break the thought loop is allocating specific slots for exploring content from different fields during the week.
Listen to podcasts or watch documentaries on various topics outside your expertise.
Read books or articles that dwell on subjects you haven’t explored before.
This will help you to keep up with a broad spectrum of topics and increase your cognitive flexibility.
3. Hold Regular Brainstorming Sessions
Designating specific times for imagination can be quite effective in adding novelty to your thoughts.
Once a week, ask yourself questions that are out of the box. For instance, you may ponder on
“How can I start my own business?” or
“How can I grow every day?”
Document these thoughts in a journal to track your progress.
This practice will not only keep you analytically active but also help in generating innovative ideas.
Concluding Thoughts
“A person is the product of their thoughts. What they think, they become.” – Mahatma Gandhi.
If we genuinely want to expand our horizons and become more than what we are today, breaking free from the echo chamber of our repetitive thinking is vital. By engaging with diverse people, dedicating time to learn from different fields, and holding regular brainstorming sessions, we can diversify our thoughts and perceive the world from a much broader perspective.
This week, here’s a challenge for you: Reach out to someone from a different field of interest or watch a documentary on a topic completely foreign to you. Who knows? This could be the key to expanding your mind and discovering previously unconsidered avenues. Happy Exploring!