google-site-verification=VAmea75XZEowVbRm09fPMJIIRF_llgYpguw4XveyuVM Why child of a scientist doesn’t always become a scientist | Pranab Hazarika

Why child of a scientist doesn’t always become a scientist

Greatness is not a function of circumstance.

Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice”

                                          —Jim Collins, Good to Great

“It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness”

                                          —  Seneca

When I was in class 12th, our Physics teacher was like a scientist. So we named him Mr. Scientist.  Every student loved him from heart. He was always got first rank and gold medallist in his entire education career. Because of his high level of concept delivery method, we could not understand his teachings properly.

I had an impression that, though we didn’t understand and couldn’t follow his teachings properly, his son must be as like him and definitely a great student.

One day I came to know that his son failed in 12th science exam last year.

I was shocked. How come son of Mr. Scientist could fail in 12th examination?

That question was stuck in my mind for long time. I started observing successful, intelligent people and compare their children with them as and when I get a chance to do so.

I started looking to know about the children of great scientist like Sir Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison and many more. Their children may be in good position in their lives but still not as famous or successful as their father or mother.

I concluded one thing after so many years of observation that:

Success is not always related to heredity.

Definition of Success is different from person to person. Success for one person may be to get a Job, for another person may be a great family. Some others may be to have own company, for some may be millionaire or billionaire. So everyone has his/her own success definition and success story.

But here I am talking about success in simple term, a reputed position in a society, to understand the topic easily.

After my conclusion that Success is not always related to heredity, I started searching for what is the reason why a scientist’s children do not always become scientist. Likewise a Doctor’s children do not always become doctor; IAS’s children do not always an IAS, a great business man’s children do not always a great businessman.

Even the reverse is also possible. We have seen many good news about becoming IAS officers and doctors and Engineers, and successful business person whose parents have nothing. Even their parents may not even seen school in their life time. They are self-made successful men or women.

I researched; I read so many books on success, attitude and topics related to success.

Finally I concluded one thing:

Success is all depends on Your Intension and Dedication.

Intension is your primary source of all your achievements in life. All universal forces will work and support you towards your intension. Intension is your spirit, your emotions, your feelings, your beliefs. This works from inside out, not from outside in.

Dedication is your commitment to achieve your intension. Commitment means you are committed to achieve whatever is your desire without any excuses. If you have excuses, ready with you, then you are not committed. You are just interested.

Alan Brown first coach of John Assaraf asked this question to him, “Are you committed or interested in achieving a goal”.

If these two forces intension and dedication work together in harmony no one can stops you from achieving anything in your life.

This is the reason a scientist’s son/daughter doesn’t always become a scientist. Same is applicable for all other scenarios too.

Parents became successful because of their own intension and dedication. Children have their own intension and dedication.  So success level of parents and children can’t always be of same level and not depends on heredity.

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Thank You

Pranab Hazarika

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