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How COVID-19 has impacted us


When Hollywood movie 2012 was released in 2009, it was bit confusing that is really world is going to destroy in 2012.
After watching movie 2012, I felt like world will be like Hollywood zombie movies. Only very few human will left out and they will travel here and there and fight with each other for a piece of bread.
But we witnessed that it didn’t happen and we are in normal condition.
I thought 2012 was also a kind of most of the Hollywood movies where all the un-earthy destructive power reach earth and destroy NEW YORK CITY every time.
But why this Hollywood movie was made with name 2012 and showing all the destruction of this world. Why not 2013. Though most of us think that 13 is an unlucky number.
Sylvia Browne was a New York Times bestselling author and world famous psychic gave a hint to the 2012 in her famous book “Ends of Days”.
She narrated about two old cultural civilizations the Maya and Cherokee and how they related to 2012.
The Maya:

The Mayan Civilization is thought to have been born in the Yucatan Peninsula in about 2500 BC with a society of fifteen million people.
They excelled brilliantly in astronomy, hieroglyphic writing, science, mathematics, art, farming, weaving, architecture, and creating highly technical, intricate calendar system.
Mayan calendar which consisted of cycles of 264 days, each day having one of twenty names represented by its own symbol.
The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012.
The Cherokee:

The Cherokee are an intensely spiritual civilization who believed that each morning humankind should give thanks to the creator, to mother earth and to all good things.
Many of their predictions had already come true:
1. A cobweb would be built across the world through which people would talk:
A few hundred years after this prophesy, telephone lines reached into virtually every corner of the globe.
2. The eagle would someday fly in the night and land on the moon.
In 1969 the safe arrival on the moon of the Apollo 11 spacecraft was announced
By astronaut Neil Armstrong to NASA control room with the simple words,
“The eagle has landed.”
These are only two examples. There are list of their prophesies which were come true already.
The Cherokee calendar system also ends in year 2012.
Needless to say, it’s no coincidence that the Cherokee and Mayan calendars end in year 2012.
So it may be expected that movie 2012 was made based on some these kind of indications.
But thanks to God that it didn’t happen like movie 2012 and we are still here.
Earth is safe:

The good news is Earth is safe.
The Holy Vedas are accepted as originally spoken by the Lord himself to Brahma, from within his heart. The principles of religion are laid down in the Vedas.
In the Holy Rig Veda it is saying that everything was started with heat.
Even moon was also has heat and part of the earth.
Afterwards moon has lost his all heat.
Now Sun is the source of all the heat. Sun, still retains a great deal of heat, but it is not so intense as it was in the beginning. However a time will come when the sun will cool down to darkness and no more fountain of light and heat in its plan.
At that time earth will become a mass of solid. no air, no lakes, no animal, no humankind, nothing.
That time according to Aryan calculations is 2,333,227,018 years distance.
Modern scientific findings have reaffirmed the statement of this Vedic declaration.
So now we are happy that at least Earth is not going to end so early. World is not going to end in its natural process now.
Current situation and Prophesy

Bill Gates:
A viral video of Bill gates from a TED talk show in 2015 he mentioned few noticeable points as below:
For Global Catastrophe-
Who is more harmful: Not Missiles but Micros, It is not war it is Virus.
We have invested a lot in nuclear deterrence but not in a system to stop epidemic that happened like in back 1918.
We are not ready for the next epidemic.
Corona Virus Prophesy by Sylvia Browne:

In the book “END of DAYS” Sylvia Browne, who was a physic from her age three, did the prediction about Corona virus as below:
“In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.”
Shocking prophesy which came true and we are witnessing it now.
Knowledge is Power

We know knowledge is the power. If we don’t know something we need to educate ourselves.
What now Government and every doctor and experienced people are trying to spread their messages about how we can protect ourselves from Corona or any kind of information related to COVID19 which can be helpful for all of us.
During this lock down period, I watched a video of Dr.Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury.
He said in his video that Corona Virus may exists even before humankind. It may be here till the time earth was created. But we didn’t know about it till the time we have an advanced microscope to see it.
I have read Holy Vedas and after listening to his video I realized one thing,
We can’t think of knowledge by eliminating God from his creation. After all what is knowledge? What is Physics? Or metaphysics? It is not with reference to our great creation? It is just a little activity in the dynamic world in a particular parameter.
Vedic Theism is a concept of dynamic reality. The supreme reality is our concern every moment. We might ignore him, as we usually do, but he doesn’t neglect us.
“The cosmic energy is the generator of the Universe, the
Embryo of waters, the leader of humans, most virile defender of human race.
It remains ever illuminated by its own radiance and
It provides sustenance for its beloved progeny.
(Rig Veda. 3.1.12)
Mind Body relationship:

“In this creation are held in balance the three regions, terrestrial, interspatial and celestial, and the three divine realms pertaining to body, mind and spirit provided with three eternal functions- physical, mental and transcendental.”
(Rig Veda. 2.27.8)
Dr.Deepk Chopra (MD) serves as a clinical professor at the University of California, San Diego and author of 89 books, numerous New York Times bestsellers, in his book “Perfect Health-The complete mind body guide” said about the relationship between body and mind.
He said,how different emotions and anxiety can reduce our immunity power.
With stress and anxiety,stress hormone “cortisol” released by the adrenal glands, of our brain which reduces our immunity power.
If we are happy and have something interesting, and exciting brain releases “dopamine” the happy hormone, which is good for heath.
That’s why “laughing club” is becoming popular in recent days.
So in such scenarios we should try to be in control of our stress and anxiety.
“When you cannot
Control a situation…
You must learn to
Control yourself.”
Jhon Assaraf
That’s why now a day’s people are more inclined towards Yoga, meditations and mindfulness.
Yoga synchronizes mind body relationship and meditations and mindfulness not only relaxes your brain, it also exercises the brain’s ability to focus.
Fast Life becomes Slow

Our “Autopilot” mode is now become “Stop” mode.
Now a days instead of mindfulness we work with “mindlessness”.
Mindlessness is the state of being so preoccupied with the list of things we have to do that we realize we don’t remember how we got from point A to point B, like from home to office in a car.
This results irritable, rushed, emotionally unavailable, anxious and depressed.
We drive to our office 15Km, 20Km and reache office, without enjoying any beautiful moment in the whole route.
Our driving is controlled by our subconscious mind whereas our conscious mind is busy in thinking of reports, presentations, VC, about boss, what would he say and all.
Sometimes we are so “mindlessness” that even we don’t remember the taste of the Sabji (food) that we took in our breakfast, and the worst part is that sometimes we don’t even remember what was in breakfast.
Mindfulness, on the other hand, means developing the ability to tolerate that anxiety and tension without being swept away.

Our brain is made of “gray matter”, it is nothing but of a size of a dot
( –>.<– ) i.e. kind of grain of sand.
This dot size is actually made up of special nerve cells called neurons.
One such dot sized grain can contain as many as 100,000 of these neurons.
These 100,000 neurons communicate with one another by sending signals called synapses.
This is just about 1 dot. Like this in our brains we have billions of ‘dot” and trillions of connections.
So now we can imagine how complicated our brain is!
The repeating task makes repeating of same signalling paths and thus path becomes stronger and stronger day by day and finally become habit after 21 days/66 days (we are discussing about this next).
In simple language it is like follow the same route while walking on a green field over and over makes a distinct route that is easy to identify later.
These things are well described by John Assaraf in his book “Innercise” and by psychotherapist PhD Richard O’Connor in his book “Rewire”.
Habit formation:

Motivational speaker Robin Sharma said that as per new research of University College of London, habit creation needs 66 days continuous process to hardwire our brain to make it a habit and free our will power from that particular task.
They have divided these 66 days in 3 parts (each of approximately 20 days)

Still after reading many books on habit creation I found that new habit formation is wide-ranging from person to person based on his intention and interest and may vary from 4 to 90 days.
May be by seeing the science backed reason Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji given a 21 days lock down so that after that it will become easy for us to stay at home for some more days if required.
MORE in Life:

More. We always want more. Even if we have accomplished all we have dreamed of or desired, perhaps we have noticed that there is a part of you that keeps nudging us toward whatever is next.
Sadhguru, the mystic says, every animal’s life ends two lines.
Ground line (Birth) and one upper line. In between these two lines their only thinking is to how to find food to serve their empty stomach.
But in case of human we have only one line i.e. ground line. There is no limit of the upper line. Our expectations, desires increases as we reach our milestones one by one.
BK Shivani of Brahmakuri says, “BUSY” word is a very dangerous word and once we start saying it, it drains down all our energy, like discharging of a mobile battery.
We fully charged our mobile battery before leaving for office or business.
But what about us. Our energy drained even after lunch period. Mindfulness is a way through which we can recharge ourselves after a periodic interval.
BK Shivani said this as “traffic control”.
Dr. Deepak Chopra gives a way to calm and relax our mind at any moment is by doing STOP. STOP means:

Arianna Huffingtone, a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, is the co-founder, president and editor in chief of the Huffington Post Media Group, one of the world’s most influential news and information brands writes in her book “Thrive” how she had changed and start living her life from a frenetic to a well being life.
She taught us a very simple and the fastest way to achieve most of the things from our to-do list.
She gave example how she learned German language in just one day.
How…!!! She had a dream to learn German language and many more things to do in her life. These pending to-do list always push her in back of her mind and made an unknowing stress.
One day she realized that she can learn German by just deleting that task from her to do list.
Now she is mentally free and relaxed. Likewise she had completed many other task by deleting those from her to-do list.
I found it very interesting. Last year I joined in 3 different courses to upgrade myself with new technology like Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning and Internet of Things.
But I ended up with only one certificate. Removing other two subjects from my to-do list :).
4 Segments of Life:
Motivational speaker, writer Robin Sarma distinguished our life in 4 parts:

4 segments of life are interrelated. As we inclined more towards Wealthset, rest three get ignored most of the time.
In catastrophe we appreciated the importance of all of four. At that time we realize that Man-based religions are of a later date, whereas man’s natural religion is eternally with him.
Lessons Learned from COVID19

Rhonda Byrne-The Secret, in her famous book “The Magic”, she has mentioned the power and magic of gratitude, the two powerful words “Thank You”
Albert Einstein who invented E=mc^2, said “Thank You” 100 times to this universe every day.
In these days gratitude automatically coming out from my heart.
These are some little thing, but sometimes the littlest things mean the most.
- I thank God every time before my each meal.
We usually said about our office canteen food, that foods are not tasty.
If today I will get that “Non-veg Thali” I will feel like having my lunch at a Five star Hotel.
- I thank God many times in a day, because of the fresh air, I breath.
Just imagine what could be the situation if CORONA spread through air and wind. At that scenario we can’t even think of to go to the lobby of our house.
- I thank God for water, to drink and for all necessary requirement.
- I thank God every day, for electricity supply, available at this time.
Now I feel importance of those things, which we usually taken for granted and complained many a times.
Some other learning are like:
- Cost of living to LIVE is not costly. Only spendthrift that we add to our lives make our life costly.
- Pollution control was almost like impossible in city like Delhi which is 21 of the world’s 30 most polluted city.
Delhi pollution reduced by 71% in just 7days from 91 to 26 micrograms per cubic meter of PM2.5.
So we have got a solution for pollution control in any city.
Nature’s Law:

There are two kinds of law.
- Men made law:e.g. Traffic signal
If we break man made law, we may or may not penalized.
2. Nature’s law:
If we break, we are definitely penalized.
Knowingly unknowingly everybody follow the laws of nature.
- Nature’s laws are equal for everyone.
- Same for under-developed, developing or developed country.
- Same for rich and poor.
- Independent of circumstances.
One example of Nature’s law is Death.
Controversy of China:

Many of us have already seen many controversial things related to Corona and China with different facts and figures.
This is all about China’s motive to become world’s economic power player.
As a normal person we can’t directly jump into a conclusion what is what.
COVID-19 may be a natural calamity or may be scientific result to gain control over the American and European companies operating in China, to become economic super power of the world.
In KALI YUGA it is said:
“Jugya Bhugya Basundhara”
Jugya: who is capable
Bhugya: who can enjoy life
Vasundhara: who has all the money and power.
It means in Kali Yuga, who has capability, he only can enjoy the life to its fullest and he will have all the money, fame and power.
Prophesy of New World

There is no such thing as typical prophet .God endows the gift of prophesy to a wide variety of people.
Here are some prophesies of our future new world.
Sir Isaac Newton:

Sir Isaac Newton the greatest mathematician was born on Christmas Day, 1642.
Apart from science, mathematics he wrote one book about Bible and published in 1727 after 6 years of his death named “Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel and Apocalypse of St. John”
There he mentioned that the year will be 2060. The date of the end of time, calculated from Biblical information by most brilliant mathematician in the world has ever known.
Edgar Cayce:

Edgar Cayce known as “The Sleeping Prophet” has the gift of prophesy while in a deep self-induced, trance like sleep, none of which he was able to recall when he was awake.
All his lifetime reading during his deep sleep converted into 300 books.
His prophesy said:
“As we prepare for the Second Coming of Christ, A new order of conditions is to arise. Then certain circumstances will arise in the political, the economic and a whole relationship to which a leaving will occur, or a greater comprehension of the need for it.
And then the deeds, the prayers of the faithful, will glorify the Father as peace and love will reign for those who love the Lord.”
Sir Isaac Newton has done this calculation mathematically and found this year would be 2060.
Bhagwat Geeta:

As per Hindusim the world goes through as part of ‘cycles of yugas’.
Four yogas are Satya, Treta, Dvaparaand Kali Yuga.
Kali Yuga started in 3102 BCE.
Madame Helena Blavatsky, Russian author was born in 1831 author of the book “The Secret doctrine” mentioned about the Kali Yuga as-
“We are at the close of the cycle of 5000 years of the present Aryan Kali Yuga or dark age. This will be succeeded by an age of light. This race will be altered in mentality and will move toward a more perfect spiritual existence.”
As in Geeta Lord Krishna said:
“Yada Yada hi Dharmasya
Glanir Bhavati Bharata
Abhyutthanam Adharmasya
Tadatmanam srja my Aham”
Whenever and wherever there is a decline and discrepancies in religious practices, a predominant rise of irreligion, and a disappearance of true religion,at that time Lord manifests himself and appear on earth to save the humankind from all negative power.
Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins:
There is a series written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins about Second coming of Christ has sold over sixty-five million copies, and the essential message is that the physical return of Jesus is quickly approaching.
Conclusion of Prophecies:

Prophesy is always a future event. We don’t have control over it. So we may accept with some past reference that some prophecies may come true and some will not.
So the passionate pursuit of the “truth” about the “end of days” is likely to be continued until the end of days itself. In Bible Jesus never mentioned anything like end of days.
It means world should never become the world like Zombies Hollywood movies.
There may be some revolution in terms of humanity, but world is going to have humankind till the time world itself decided to clean us from here.
Beauty of Life

“I’m afraid of dying, but I’m not afraid of death”
We know the Universal truth of death. So we never worry about death. But we always worry about the process of death.
Our life is just one second between past and future. Past is already gone, we don’t have any control over it. Future is what we don’t know.
If we think more about past then we feel sad, if we think more about future then we feel anxious.
So better live this day to its fullest and enjoy and see beauty of life everywhere.
“Mayest thou develop harmony with all
And enjoy life in full.
(Yajur Veda 7.5)
Pure Happiness:

In the end everyone knowingly or unknowingly wants only one thing:
Pure happiness with honest mind. Leaving behind all fear,anxiety, anger, resentment, envy and all negative energy things, and replace those with the Universe’s highest energy word i.e. LOVE and only LOVE.
This kind of purity of happy life we can enjoy in each and every day, by just changing our mind.
How you look at things changes the things you look at.
Now in such scenario Doctors and all medical fraternity are playing their roles like God. They are the savers. Thank you to them.
Thank you to all the scientist, researchers who are trying their best to develop some medicines/vaccine to stop this epidemic.
Let’s end up with two lines of Bob Marley’s famous song “One Love, one heart”
“Let’s get together
(everybody follow the rules, and stay at home ):)
To fight this Holy Armageddon,
So when the man comes
There will be no, no doom.”
Thank you. Thank You. Thank You.
With LOVE,

Pranab Hazarika
A Creative Engineer, Blogger by passion.
I am not a Guru, motivational lecturer, public speaker, or anything else. I am a simple humble person with a humble background. I don’t have any intention to hart anyone’s sentiments and I respect each and every individual’s thoughts, religion, believes and faiths.
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Very well explained.
Hi Pranab,
Very well written. The dots are very well connected.
Looking forward for more content!
Thanks for sharing.
Thank You Sabs..